Saturday 29 October 2016

Desks along with Freezes

I've had one of those weeks.  Lots of Great nevertheless some trying days. nevertheless of which's Wednesday along with of which's Great! I worked hard yesterday getting pics taken along with starting This kind of post for you.  nevertheless you get to see my desk!  along with the desks of many others, should you decide to accept the mission.  This kind of fun tour d'desks is actually put together by Julia at the Stamping Ground.  Please head over there when you're done here for the links to desks along with projects of additional crafters along with enjoy the "view".

No projects today nevertheless I have a pile of stuff on the left.  I finished a couple cards for a party Saturday along with I'm keeping some of the supplies handy to put together my list of supplies, make the direction sheets, then make 10 kits of each card.  of which's my goal today.  I have 6 kits of the 3rd card done along with need to make 4 more of those.  I think there will be at least 8 at the party.  I'll find out later today.  So, not much going on as I start prepping.

This kind of happened yesterday.  Monday hubby realized our chest freezer was not working properly along with of which of which's not repairable.  So I took a bit of time off work along with met him at our local Sears store.  We looked at the upright as I'm tired of the chest style along with of which was $650.   nevertheless wait...  They had the same style at $398 as of which was shipped accidentally to the store along with of which had no freon.  They had of which serviced along with we got of which!  We borrowed my dad's pickup Monday night along with brought of which home.  Yesterday, Dean along that has a friend took the door off the fresh freezer along with the door off the room along with got of which in. I can't quite get everything in of which nevertheless the main stuff, such as meat, baked goods, along with additional items are in.  I still need to find room for a few things.  The chest freezer was dismantled today along with taken out.

nevertheless yesterday, oh my.  of which started out Saturday.  I went to Tucson, a 30+ mile trip 1 way for our monthly stamp group meeting.  We went to Tucson Sunday as Dad wanted to celebrate our anniversary at Red Lobster.  Monday back to Tucson to take a friend to her dental checkup.  Yesterday, I went to church for Bible study.  After of which I went to Walmart to purchase groceries.  Got in car to go home, wouldn't start.  Finally started out on the 4th try.  Went straight to my mechanic.  Died completely in their parking lot.  Bad battery, bad starter.  Mechanic asked me how inside the earth did I get anywhere This kind of past week!  Only by the grace of God!!!  nevertheless yesterday afternoon the mechanic called along with so far repairs are about $710.  Ouch!!   This kind of has be a VERY expensive week.  $424 for freezer, $700+ for car, our anniversary gift to us (a fresh stereo/GPS/CD player/blue tooth/back-up camera for our car for $900.  Tomorrow I have a dr. appt. to consult along with schedule a colonscopy for next month, my cost about $0 - $300.   Ok. I'm done complaining. Thank you Lord of which we hold the $$ for all This kind of, great blessings through hubby's work.

So right now please head over to the Stamping Ground along with check out the links to others in This kind of blog hop.  I'll be in along with out as I prep for the party.  At least I'm ready for my Friday morning class.

Desks along with Freezes

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