Thursday 16 March 2017

Accountability - Monday? I forgot...

I'm such a dork.

I'm sitting here working on a recipe blog post (the item's inside the oven - you'll have to wait a day or two to see how the item turned out) when I realized I never wrote my Accountability Saturday post for last week.

All week I kept thinking "I haven't done much with the blog This particular week." Duh.

So here the item is, two days late.

I posted the image above mainly because I thought the item was funny. I rarely say "I don't have time" because I usually have plenty of time. I'm just a major procrastinator.

I have several projects which I could easily get done inside the time I have yet instead I get sucked into Facebook, blogs, Words With Friends, Pinterest along with anything else which catches my eye online. which's something I truly need to work on.

Last Sunday I went to a coworker's wedding. I went with three women coworkers (we left our husbands at home) along with I had a great time. The food was fabulous (prime rib w/garlic mashed potatoes) along with I danced my toes off. I don't do which often enough. Who am I kidding, I don't do which ever!

yet...all which good food caused me to fall off the SparkPeople wagon. I stopped tracking despite the fact which last Sunday when I stepped on the scale the item was down 3 pounds! (can I get a little "oh yeah!"). which was short-lived because once I fell off the wagon the weight jumped back up a little. The upside is which my jeans are less tight so I don't have to live in yoga pants. The plan was to get back on track today, which I have. I just haven't tracked any of my food yet (the item's Sunday as I type This particular). I've watched my portions for the most part along with even kept my hands out of the Lay's potato chips bag. I have to keep reminding myself This particular is not a race. The only one I need to be accountable to is myself.

My R.A.D. defense class was awesome last week. We learned kicks along with strikes. We practiced for about two hours. We were even given the chance to kick along with strike a pad which the officer held in front of us. Unfortunately, I'm so out of shape which the entire right side of my body ached For just two days after the class. the item hurt just to roll over in bed! I need to do some cardio along with stretches before we go to class This particular coming Wednesday because I can't be which sore every week.

Which brings me on to my latest injury which happened in bed. Get your minds out of the gutter. the item's not what you think. I rolled over, felt a shooting pain down my leg, said "ow, ow, ow!" along with struggled to get comfortable again, then realized I was going to hurt for awhile via This particular. I think - yet I'm not 100% certain - I twisted wrong along with my sciatic nerve flared up at which precise second. Either which or I pulled a muscle somehow. Either way, I'm hurting big time today. My left leg was pretty much useless for the first half of the day. I iced my butt cheek along with took some Motrin, took a nap along with now the item's slightly better. Climbing stairs is the hardest to manage right now. I'm praying This particular is better by Wednesday or I won't be doing much physical stuff at my R.A.D. class.

I've been a slacker all week with my brand-new project which I've been talking about. Well, not a total slacker. I did get some things accomplished during the week yet which darn Facebook/Words With Friends/internet thing got inside the way again. I have to get moving on This particular project before the item's too late.

We were supposed to go on our annual Columbus Day weekend trip to the White Mountains with my sister along with her family This particular weekend. My brother-in-law had emergency surgery on Tuesday (he's okay along with home now) so the trip was cancelled. We were all pretty bummed. I heard which the item rained up there yesterday so maybe the item was a blessing in disguise.

Three things I want to concentrate on This particular week:
1. Track calories
2. Try to get some exercise in, depending on how my leg feels
3. Work on my project
Accountability - Monday? I forgot...

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