Monday 20 March 2017

Autumn Cards along with also Desks

the idea's autumn!  The time of cool nights, a bit warmer days, colorful leaves, oh, along with also my desk!  Yes, the idea's Wednesday along with also the weekly workdesk review.  This particular is week 385, where does the time go! This particular fun global, well, Europe along with also the U.S., tour of desks is put together by Julia at the Stamping Ground.  All these years along with also she's still doing This particular!  I think This particular may be the longest lasting blog hop ever!

My desk is very clean as of yesterday afternoon.  I got the brand-new Amaze die cut machine along with also had to clean my desk when I removed my Platinum to make room for the idea.  So much was hidden behind that will large machine!

I had filled my trash can which has a lot of scraps that will just was too smaller along with also some other misc. "stuff" that will needed to be tossed.  So, are you ready for the explanation of my desk?  Far left are my 2 planners in front of my red Cricut (I genuinely need to play with the idea some!) which is in front of a shelf of smaller stuff I use regularly. Next is a pile of stamps along with also dies.  The top set of dies are on a magnetic sheet to keep them together.  Then a package of paper on top of a set of directions for an class Oct. 28.  I've been busy generating kits for 8 along with also I have 6 signed up right now.  Center front my blue mat with my Scor-Pal & mat along with also a pile of scrap paper to keep the mat clean.  Behind that will is my stamp rag, spray water, Copic markers, box of acrylic blocks.  Ok, now to the right, my ATG adhesive runner along with also Amaze.  Behind that will is my Fun Stamper Journey team mascot with friend in their little bag, my OTT light, 2 baskets of misc. paper & scraps, along with also my shelf of ink pads.

I've shown you one of the cards for my class, here's another:

All supplies are by FSJ.

In case you're wondering about the splatters, they're made by a special product that will I just love yet I cannot promote my company here.  If you have any questions, please email me through the "Contact Me" inside sidebar.

I tried to keep This particular relatively short so I'm now at the end of my post.  Please head over to the Stamping Ground along with also continue the tour of desks.  I'll be visiting while I work on generating card kits for my class. Next week there is SO much going on that will I'm starting to stress.

Autumn Cards along with also Desks

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