Saturday 27 May 2017

Craft Wars: Fire Up Your Glue Guns!

I assume in which if you're reading This kind of blog you're A) a crafter as well as B) you don't live under a rock.

You must have heard of Craft Wars, the brand new TLC show hosted by Tori Spelling. My daughter, Em, as well as I have been watching the item faithfully since the item premiered last month. My initial thought was in which the item sucked, however then I got sucked into the item! Now I sit there between 8:00 & 9:00 p.m. every Tuesday night, rooting for my favorite crafter, criticizing the various other for doing something stupid (don't we all?) as well as scratching my head at the unique ridiculous items they're given to work with!

I follow the Craft Wars Facebook page, which is disappointing because whoever runs the item sucks at social marketing. However, I like reading the followers' comments. Many of them feel the same way I do, which is in which Craft Wars needs to stop with the random supplies as well as give the contestants real craft supplies to work with.

Is the item fair in which they're given one hour to create a pop craft with  a pile of non-crafty supplies, then they're sent home when the end result is sloppy or unfinished?

Take This kind of for example.

due to This kind of challenge, the contestants were instructed to make a lamp out of eyeglasses in one hour. One of the contestants created what might probably have been a beautiful lamp using the lenses of the eyeglasses. She popped them out of the frames, painted them in shades of blue to create an ombre affect, then hung them via a ring to create a shade. She was sent home because the item wasn't finished, yet in my opinion the item might have been gorgeous if she'd had more than an hour to make the item. I mean, seriously, who can make a lamp with any kind of supplies in an hour? I've seen more projects in which look like crap win over something in which has real potential because the item's not quite finished or there's hot glue strings showing. I'd like to see the "expert judges" whip up something in an hour.

Another issue I have with the show is the practicality of the crafts in which are chosen as winners. For example, they were require to make pop craft birdhouses out of junk drawer supplies. This kind of birdhouse was deemed "sloppy as well as unimaginative" as well as the contestant was sent home. While I do think the design is a little funky, the item looks perfectly functional.

The judges loved This kind of birdhouse, which is a two-story design in which features playing card roof shingles.

Imaginative? Yes. Functional? Hardly. Those playing card roof shingles are going to fall apart during the first rainstorm. The designer of This kind of birdhouse didn't win the $10,000 master craft prize because the judges didn't like in which she mixed tiki as well as Western elements in her second project. Yet they totally ignored the fact in which This kind of birdhouse is going to fall apart the first time the item rains!

The Halloween show was...interesting. I don't know where the Craft Wars producers get their ideas however asking contestants to create a Halloween lawn display out of gardening supplies was a bit of a challenge. One of the items they were given was black trash bags. The judges didn't like the look of the trash bags on This kind of project, however they commented more than once in which the item was one of the supplied items as well as she did work the item into the project.

The various other contestant definitely used her noggin as well as made This kind of fabulous shipwrecked pirate ship using many of the supplies provided. She even made hanging bats out of the black trash bags. This kind of image doesn't do This kind of display justice. There are little details everywhere. She even made skeleton hands out of rakes! The contestant clearly knows her stuff when the item comes to crafting.

Sadly (for me anyway), the pirate ship did not win the $10,000 Master Craft challenge. Why? Because the judges said the item wasn't Halloween enough. One of the judges didn't like the red paint "blood" she dripped over parts of the display (blood isn't Halloween enough?). The trash bag hot mess was declared the winner, even though the judges said during the challenge in which they didn't like the item.

Personally, I might never consider being a contestant on Craft Wars. You never know what the judges are thinking. Not to mention, I don't want to stress over having to whip up a functional doodad (neatly!) in an hour using random household items. Eeek!

I'll end This kind of post using a photo of my all-time favorite Craft Wars winner. I wish I had a quarter of This kind of woman's imagination!

All images via Craft Wars. Click the link to see photos of all the craft projects. 

Craft Wars: Fire Up Your Glue Guns!

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