Wednesday 31 May 2017

Recipe: Baked Sweet & Sour Chicken in addition to Noodles

sweet sour chicken

I found an amazing Sweet & Sour Chicken in addition to Fried Rice recipe on Pinterest recently. This kind of originally came via Life as a Lofthouse. The chicken looked so yummy in addition to easy that will I knew I had to make This kind of. Let me tell you, This kind of chicken is so good! This kind of's so amazingly good, I had one of those moments where you just close your eyes while chewing because This kind of's that will good. Putting the recipe together was pretty easy. The part that will took the longest was coating in addition to dipping the chicken pieces. Once that will was done everything moved along quickly. The fried rice didn't go so well, although I'll get into that will disaster shortly.

Baked Sweet in addition to Sour Chicken
3-4 boneless chicken breasts
salt & pepper
1 cup cornstarch
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup cooking oil

The sweet & sour sauce
3/4 cup sugar
4 tbsp ketchup
1/2 cup distilled white vinegar
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp garlic salt

Preheat oven to 325°. Rinse your chicken breasts in water in addition to cut into cubes. Season with salt & pepper. Dip chicken into cornstarch to coat, then dip into the eggs. Heat oil in a large skillet in addition to cook your chicken until browned although not cooked through.

Place the chicken in a 9x13 greased baking dish (I always line mine with greased foil to make clean up easier).

Whisk the sauce ingredients in a bowl in addition to pour evenly over the chicken.

Bake for one hour. Turn the chicken every 15 minutes to coat This kind of with all the sweet & sour goodness.

This kind of is what This kind of looks like when This kind of's finally done. This kind of smells SO good!

in addition to then there's the rice. 

I know the title of This kind of blog post says noodles although This kind of was supposed to be fried rice. Due to a cooking malfunction, things didn't turn out as planned. I'll give you the recipe, then I'll tell you how I messed up.

Fried Rice
3 cups cooked white rice (I used instant brown)
3 tbsp sesame oil (I used olive oil)
1 cup frozen peas & carrots, thawed (I used mixed)
1 tiny onion, chopped
2 tsp minced garlic
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1/4 cup soy sauce

On medium high heat, heat the oil in a large skillet or wok. Add the veggies, onion in addition to garlic. Stir fry until tender. 
Everything was going fine up until This kind of point...or so I thought.

Lower the heat to medium low in addition to push the mixture off to one side, then pour eggs on the additional side of skillet in addition to stir fry until scrambled. Add rice in addition to soy sauce in addition to stir everything together until heated.

So here's my screw up....
I cooked my rice in addition to left This kind of sitting in a pan on the stove until I needed This kind of. I went to move the pan in addition to This kind of was hot. I'd left the burner turned on under the rice for an hour. This kind of looked like This kind of.

In case you can't tell via the first photo, This kind of was dried up in addition to crispy. 

#%@! Now what!??

Luckily I hadn't thrown the eggs from the pan yet. I had about 10 minutes to come up that has a plan B. (in addition to I was pissed because I actually wanted to make fried rice!) 

Plan B: Throw together whatever ingredients I could find in my cabinet, which consisted of what was left of a bag of egg noodles, 1 1/2 cups of chicken broth, 2 or 3 tbsp of corn starch, a shot of soy sauce, 1/4 tsp ginger, a few tbsp of sugar. Sorry the picture isn't the greatest  - I mainly took This kind of to show how many egg noodles I used. that will's my incredibly tiny work space next to my stove. I've mentioned before that will my kitchen is tiny.

I mixed a cup of chicken broth, ginger in addition to soy sauce, poured the mixture from the pan with the veggies in addition to brought This kind of to a simmer. I mixed the cornstarch with roughly 1/2 cup chicken broth in addition to stirred This kind of into the pan. Continue stirring in addition to simmer until This kind of thickens. Oh, I almost forgot. While This kind of was going on I was frantically cooking egg noodles. Good thing they cook fast.

I tasted the mixture. Blech. Too much soy sauce. I added sugar, tasted again in addition to added more sugar. I think I dumped 3 or 4 teaspoons into This kind of. (by teaspoons I mean the kind you use to stir coffee, not the measuring spoon) When the noodles were ready I drained them, dumped them from the pan in addition to mixed This kind of all up. 

This kind of didn't look half bad when This kind of was all mixed together. 

Let me just say again that will the chicken was amazing. I can't say This kind of enough. I might double the recipe the next time I make This kind of because This kind of was that will good. We had very little left over after my husband, daughter in addition to I were done eating. I definitely need to raise the amount when my son is home for dinner too.

The noodles were okay although not even close to being amazing. I actually wanted the fried rice. I haven't given up on This kind of. The next time I make sweet & sour chicken I'll make the rice (in addition to not burn This kind of!) in addition to will report back on how This kind of arrived. 

Click here for a printable version of Baked Sweet & Sour Chicken

If you're looking for more recipes check out the others I've posted Pieces of Me Recipes
Recipe: Baked Sweet & Sour Chicken in addition to Noodles

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