Monday 21 August 2017

Back to Weight Watchers

I became a Weight Watchers (WW) Lifetime member in May 2009. I stayed below my WW goal for over a year. Some of the item was by eating healthy as well as exercising, some of the item was pure luck. :p Last August I was offered more hours at work yet the item meant working on Thursdays, which is my WW meeting day. I gave up my monthly meeting for the extra money. the item didn't take long before the pounds started out creeping on again.

Fast forward to after the holidays when things typically slow down at work. I stopped working Thursdays because of the smaller workload. After getting tired of the weight gain as well as loss of control, I finally went back to Weight Watchers today. I'm 5 lbs over my WW goal so I had to pay $13 for the meeting. 5 pounds isn't a lot yet the item's enough to make my clothes uncomfortable. Technically I only have to lose 3 lbs to make my meetings free again. When you're Lifetime you have to stay within 2 lbs of your goal weight to attend meetings for free (you also have to go at least once every calendar month). If I get serious about This specific, the item shouldn't take long to get there - hopefully no more than 2 or 3 weeks. Even though my WW goal is 5 lbs, my personal goal is 10 lbs. I'm more comfortable when I stay below 125 (I'm 5'0").

WW's revamped their plan since I last did the item. I was never crazy about counting points yet you know what? the item's the only thing that will works for me. Every time I've done the item I've lost weight. Why mess using a good thing, right? I bought a completely new points calculator as well as food companion book today. They gave me a bunch of different completely new materials as well. My old books as well as points calculator should do well on ebay (I already Out with the old, in with the completely new!

I've chosen to have my WW week run Sunday-Saturday. I'm going to start fresh This specific coming Sunday. Wish me luck! I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Starting weight: 133. Personal goal weight: below 125

If you're doing the completely new Points Plus program I'd love to hear any tips you have!
Back to Weight Watchers

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