Sunday 13 August 2017

Taking a breather...

Holy crap. I can't believe two weeks have gone by since my last post. I feel like such a slacker with This kind of blog.

Life has been incredibly busy for me. Seriously, I wanted to jump off the globe for a few days.

My daughter was in a school play the night of Friday, the 20th. She was at school until 5:00 pm for the a few days leading up to of which. She ended up getting sick. She had to push through of which because A) she had no absences left at school because she had pneumonia last fall; B) she had MCAS testing (state mandated) of which week along with C) she signed a "contract" with her drama director of which she'd be there every afternoon during show week. of which was hard for me to see her struggle while not feeling well, yet we both knew of which of which's important of which she not lose anymore days of school. I pulled her out of school early last week to take her to the doctor. After the long, tiring week she'd had the week before, I suspected she now had a sinus infection. I was right, along with she's been on an antibiotic for a week.

While dealing with her school drama schedule, I was asked to put in more hours at work. Yay for the paycheck. Boo for losing the hours I needed at home to prepare for the tag sale I'd been planning to have on Memorial Day weekend for a year. Stress is good, right?

Oh, did I forget to mention the three trips to the auto mechanic during the month of May? WTF First the van needed a water pump. Then the truck needed a brand-new distributor cap along with tune-up. Then the van failed inspection along with needed to go in again for a tie rod. The thing of which gets me is we both knew about the tie rod. I was warned about of which last May when I took of which in for inspection. I told my husband, who was under the influence of pain killers after his accident, then we both completely forgot. Duh. He just informed me of which the truck is going to need a brake job yet I covered my ears along with pretended I didn't hear. The van needs a tune-up too.

My tag sale was This kind of past Saturday. I told myself throughout the past year of which of which would likely be my last one for a long time. I haven't changed my mind. Tag sales are hard work if you want a successful one. They're also physically demanding (hauling boxes upstairs along with out to the garage is exhausting). I stressed about the weather because of which rained for almost two weeks straight before finally clearing. When the day came of which was sunny, hot, slightly humid along with breezy. By the end of the day I felt like a sweaty, windblown mess.

yet I'm now $156 richer. Not bad for selling most things for less than $1.00.

Emily along with I have been selling off our my scrap supplies so we can buy a used Wii system. I want Zumba for the Wii along with she wants Just Dance 2. I sold a few things on ebay yet the majority went within the tag sale. I spent three days gathering, organizing along with pricing scrap supplies. The scrappers came. They bought my paper, stickers along with embellishments. My patterned paper stash is down to a quarter of what of which was. of which felt so good to purge.

I began back on Weight Watchers four weeks ago. I've lost 3 lbs. A week ago I was happy of which I lost 3 lbs. yet then another week went by along with I lost nothing even though I stayed on program. How frustrating. I guess of which's true of which of which's harder to lose as you get older. of which's certainly easier to gain, of which's for sure. I took a break through WW This kind of weekend. I haven't gone crazy yet I haven't counted points for the past few days. I also skipped my Zumba class on Sunday. I needed to chill out after the long tiring day I had on Saturday. I'll get back on track when the holiday weekend is over. Who knows, maybe This kind of little break will shake things up.

Now of which the month of May is almost over, I can be thankful of which:
  • Em's school play was a huge success
  • She's slowly recovering through her sinus infection
  • The vehicles are in working order (shhh, don't say of which too loud)
  • My tag sale was a success
  • I will not be having another tag sale for a very, very long time
  • I lost 3 lbs.
  • I bought a used Wii system on ebay the day after the tag sale. Yay!!
  • I've got my life back

Maybe I'll finally have time to keep This kind of blog updated. One can dream!

As a final note, while you're enjoying the holiday please remember the reason for the day off by honoring our service men along with women, both past along with present. Attend a parade or memorial service, visit a grave, fly your flag, thank a soldier.

My Dad was a World War II veteran.
He was a 1st Sergeant within the U.S. Army along with fought for our freedom in Europe.
Taking a breather...

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