Wednesday 16 August 2017

Crop sadness

Awhile back I posted which I signed up my daughter along with me for a crop at the scrapbook store. The crop is tomorrow. Wouldn't the idea figure, my daughter came down having a case of the yuckies two days ago. She's been running a low fever since yesterday. She stayed home via school today. She hasn't done much nevertheless lie around playing on her iPod, nap along with watch TV. She's a sick little girl. (she'll be 13 in July nevertheless she's still my little girl)

I cancelled our crop. :(

I've been procrastinating on packing for the crop. I dreaded the task because I wasn't inside the least bit motivated to go to This specific. I finally went downstairs to my scrap table today along with started out putting page kits together. I had over 100 prints made a couple of weeks ago (I posted about my bargain). I printed out a bunch of my own sketches via This specific very blog. I actually started out feeling inspired along with got one kit put together rather quickly. I went upstairs to check on my daughter. She was lying in her bed under the covers again. I took her temp. the idea was up again.


which's when I told her I was doing the decision to cancel. She has to be better for school next week. She carries a extremely busy schedule between MCAS math testing (state mandated), a full week of afterschool drama rehearsals, dance on Monday night along with her big play on Friday night. All of which is more important than a crop. There will be more crops.

nevertheless I was actually inspired by my own sketches.

I think I just might get some scrapping done inside the near future. :D
Crop sadness

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