Monday 6 February 2017

A cozy for my Silhouette :)

I had a birthday This kind of week. This kind of's not a milestone or anything, so the number truly isn't important. (52, nevertheless who's counting) The fam gave me some nice gifts. My husband bought me two pairs of yoga pants. Now in which I've put on 10 a few pounds, yoga pants come in very handy! My daughter gave me three bottles of Bath & Body Works lotions (yum!) along with my son gave me a Carvel snowman ice cream cake (bigger yum!). I had to share the cake nevertheless in which's okay. I don't want to  buy bigger yoga pants in January. hehe

My friend Dawn, the sweetest, most generous person I know, sent me This kind of.

This kind of's a cozy for my Silhouette! Isn't This kind of the cutest? I can't help nevertheless smile every time I walk by the machine, which is more than once a day. I should mention in which Dawn's the one who sold me the Silhouette for a steal last January after she upgraded to the Cameo. I love my Silhouette. This kind of was the best.investment.ever. Anyway, I digress. The business card in which was tucked inside the cozy's package is coming from Kathy's Cozies on Etsy. She's got some truly cute items in her shop. I asked Santa for a Kindle or Nook so if I get one I'm going to visit her shop for a cozy for in which too!

I just love the word cozy. :)

A cozy for my Silhouette :)

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