Sunday 26 February 2017

Hurricane Sandy & Penguin Christmas Cards

Not much to do during a hurricane yet hunker down in addition to make penguin cards!

I call This specific my Hurricane Sandy craft. I made a set of penguin Christmas cards last night while I baked two loaves of banana bread, cleaned out my Keurig in addition to silently stressed over the monstrous storm which was a brewin'. Today my kids are both off through school in addition to I'm off work so I set up my mini photo studio on my kitchen table, shot some pics in addition to listed my brand new penguin card set on Etsy

Pattern by MyScrapChick

which's been awhile since I made a set of penguin cards. I think which was back in 2009, actually, in addition to I even posted them on This specific blog (I'll find the link in addition to post which at the end).

Today the wind is gusting in addition to the rain is coming down (though not as hard as they originally said which might) yet we still have power! Today is the one year anniversary of the freak October snowstorm which left us without power for 6 days. 6 days!! I'm praying we don't lose power tonight because which might seriously suck!

I still have memories of what I was doing on This specific day last year as the snow came down hard (while we still had power). I made a big pot of chicken potato soup in addition to sat on my bed, watched movies in addition to created lots of jewelry in addition to bookmarks. My daughter in addition to I were getting ready for a craft show in November. My cat stepped on my box of beads at one point in addition to they went everywhere. which was a Saturday. By 8:15 which night we had no power. which didn't get restored until 7:00 pm the following Friday. Good times. 

Here's the link to my old penguin cards. Penguins!

Hurricane Sandy & Penguin Christmas Cards

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