Saturday 23 September 2017

creating Memories cards

   Two weeks ago I posted pictures of my craft room as well as a couple of my problem areas in which accumulate piles.  I anticipated in which I could re-organize in which stash on the floor in in which back corner in 30 minutes or less.  This kind of ended up taking all of my spare time both Thursday as well as Friday in which week because This kind of spurred me to also re-organize a couple of some other areas too.  The back corner stash is 20% of what was there, so I am calling in which a WIN!  My goal is to have nothing there, although I am content with the progress.  The most time-consuming part was breaking up my beloved Artful Delight kits as well as sorting the embellishments to some other storage containers in my craft room (baker's twine, seam binding, primas,  etc. where they are already stored elsewhere.)

  Another success by in which clean up was the discovery of an old scrapbook kit by when I taught classes at a local scrapbook store.  I had partially made the Easter structure quite a while ago, although I was able to complete This kind of with pictures for the current challenge at Cut This kind of Up!  The final discovery was these checkerboard papers, ribbons, colored card stock pieces, as well as text on white card stock to create a photo mat for a structure.  I think This kind of was actually by the first scrapbook kit I ever purchased (June 2003!)  I created these three cards by those scraps...another WIN!  The card above is a birthday card for my friend Kaye, who was with me the day I purchased in which kit.  I think she will get a kick out of the genuinely old stash (the 3 felt gem flowers are those Artful Delight kits in which I broke up.)  The papers are all creating Memories except for the green Bazzill card stock.  The sentiment are also creating Memories alpha stickers in which I purchased in 2003.
  The inspiration just for This kind of bunny card came by the lovely as well as talented Amy Tsuruta.  See Amy's bunny card here.  I am sending This kind of Easter card to my friend Tracy, who taught classes as well as worked at in which local scrapbook store also.  I know she will also get a kick out of these relics :)

  My bunny is a Cricut cut by "Create A Critter 2" p.40.

Happy Tuesday!
creating Memories cards

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