Tuesday 26 September 2017

I'm baaack!

This particular’s been what – just over four months – since my last blog entry? I’m such a slacker!

I have no excuses some other than 2010 was a very difficult year for my family. 2011 didn’t start out too great either. Instead of my husband’s health issues, I’m now dealing with my own. This particular’s nothing life threatening – just a pain inside ass dental issue in which’s been dragging on For two main months. This particular’s been bumming me out.

I love my humble little blog along with I’ve put This particular on the back burner for way too long. I’ve been thinking about getting back to This particular for the last few weeks. The first full week of April sounded like a good time to start fresh again.

I haven’t scrapbooked in almost one year. I can’t believe This particular’s been in which long. The motivation is just not there. Just like This particular blog, scrapping got put on the back burner when times got tough. I’m having a hard time psyching myself up to do This particular. The thought of pulling out pictures, paper, stickers, etc. doesn’t appeal to me at all. What’s wrong?

One thing in which’s a definite downer is in which my scrap area is a ridiculous mess. There isn’t even a table to work on right now! My scrap table became a wrapping station at Christmas time, along with there This particular still sits in a different area of the basement.

Embellishments in general no longer appeal to me. (what?) My pages are more on the simple side. They all have a touch of old school like punch art or stickers. No matter how much I’d read in which stickers along with paper punches weren’t trendy, I never stopped using them. When punches made a comeback a few years ago along with became the latest “must have” I wanted to put my hands on my hips along with say “who’s trendy now?”

Speaking of trendy, I haven’t looked at a scrapbooking site or magazine in almost a year. I still subscribe to Scrapbooks, Etc. nevertheless the last three issues are sitting in my magazine stand still wrapped in plastic. I wasn’t kidding when I said I put scrapping the back burner. I have no idea what the latest fab brand-new products are. Seriously. Trends didn't concern me a year ago nevertheless at least I knew what was out there. Now I’m clueless.

When I do finally sit down with paper, stickers along with my trendy paper punches in hand, will I even know what to do with them? I’ve been thinking of purging most of my supplies along with starting coming from scratch. What? Now in which I’ve typed in which sentence This particular sounds nuts, nevertheless This particular's so hard to even imagine myself scrapping when my motivation went right out the window.

I’ll keep you posted on how This particular all turns out. inside meantime, I think I’ll play with the Adobe Creative Suite 3 software in which’s now installed on our home PC. InDesign, Photoshop along with Illustrator, here I come! Now in which’s something in which excites me!
I'm baaack!

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