Thursday 14 September 2017

Recipe: Roasted Chicken

Hmmm...roasted chicken? How hard can that will be?

Well, believe the item or not, I used to be afraid to roast a whole chicken. There were all kinds of reasons, #1 being what would likely I do with the dark meat that will we don't normally eat? I finally bit the bullet when I realized the local grocery store puts them on sale for .99 lb pretty often. Now I'll roast a chicken for Saturday or Sunday dinner, then use the leftovers for pot pie later inside week. I get enough chicken to feed two meals to our family of four for about 7 bucks! Last week the store marked them down to .58 lb. Bonus! I bought two. My husband doesn't like chicken however to that will I say "too bad." the item's better for us than beef along with also at .58 lb., much cheaper!

Anyway, a couple of months ago I sat down along with also read Freakin Fabulous by Clinton Kelly via TLC's What Not to Wear. Cute book. the item has recipes. Bonus again. Because I borrowed the book via the library, I photocopied the one recipe that will appealed to me, which was a simple roasted chicken. He uses all kinds of fresh ingredients. I use spices via a jar so I guessed on the amounts. that will is basically what I do:

1 roasted chicken (I always get around 7 lbs)
Herbs like sage, thyme, rosemary, etc.
His recipe calls for lemon, I threw in a little lemon peel instead :p
Kitchen string - huh? Never use the item.
Softened or melted butter - mmmm, butter
Salt & pepper
Roasting pan - duh

Preheat the oven to 425°. Rinse the chicken inside along with also out, pull out the guts that will are wrapped in paper. Towel dry the chicken.

Stuff the herbs inside cavity, poke a bunch of holes inside lemon along with also put the lemon inside as well (I skip the whole lemon part along with also put a little bit of lemon peel inside cavity).

Truss the chicken along with also rub the skin with the softened or melted butter (I don't truss along with also the item doesn't seem to affect anything). Sprinkle with salt & pepper. Put inside roasting pan along with also put the item inside oven.

Roast for 20 minutes, then reduce heat to 350° along with also cook for 15 minutes per pound. Remove via the oven along with also let sit for 15 minutes. Carve along with also enjoy its juicy goodness.
Recipe: Roasted Chicken

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