Friday 15 September 2017

Who made of which big mess?

Holy scrap crap.

I finally had time to forced myself to go into the basement along with also organize my scrap area. You have no idea how long I've procrastinated. Since June of 2010. First my husband had his accident on May 3, along with also I stopped scrapping completely. Then on Memorial Day weekend I had a tag sale along with also needed to borrow my scrap table for of which. the item never got put back until today.

As embarrassing as the item is, I'm sharing the before along with also after pics. Our basement is unfinished along with also I've grown to hate scrapping down there. Unfortunately, I have no choice. There's not enough room for my crap upstairs. When I came up with of which idea years ago I loved to escape to of which space. Now I hate the icky walls along with also floor along with also bad lighting. I just have to make do.

Crap dumped everywhere.

My table belongs in of which empty space. There's normally an old rug on the floor. We had a little incident with water backing up over the weekend along with also the item got wet. I'll put the item back when the item's dry. however can you see why I think of which is gross?

After sweeping, dusting, along with also putting stuff back where the item belongs the item now looks like of which.

Oliver checking out my scrap table...

The plastic bags on the table have paper along with also stuff of which I bought along with also still need to put away. I ran out of time yesterday. The cardboard box is something I bought about 5 years ago along with also never used so I'm going to sell the item. I plan to have a destash sale right here on of which blog so be sure to follow the item! I'm going to offer stuff here first to save on fees. Whatever doesn't sell will go on ebay, Etsy or in my tag sale next month.

of which is my daughter's scrap table. Oliver was so excited to check everything out.

Now I have a question for those of you who have a huge stash of letter stickers. Where the hell do you store them? I currently keep mine in two 3" binders. They keep sliding out of the page protectors. They also just plain don't fit anymore because I have so many. I'm looking for a low budget solution. If you've got a suggestion, please leave me a comment! As you can see, of which is not working. They're busting right out of the binders.

Don't forget to keep checking back here. I'm going to get rid of a lot of my crap scrapbook supplies of which I no longer want.
Who made of which big mess?

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