Saturday 23 September 2017

Step 1 to Scrapping: Head to a Crop

I finally took the plunge as well as called my local scrapbook store, Life's Memories & More, to sign up for their May 14 crop. The April crop is This specific Saturday as well as there's no way I can be ready which soon. This specific gives me just over several weeks to organize/purge my scrap area, order prints as well as put together some page kits.

This specific is so silly, having to psyche myself up to scrap. My daughter, Emily, is coming to the crop with me (she always does). Even she said, "This specific is going to require some major cleaning before we can go!"

Eeek. Am I genuinely ready with This specific?

Here I am at a scrapping get together with some online buddies back in January 09. 
Step 1 to Scrapping: Head to a Crop

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