Friday 27 October 2017

Deer Friend

in which weekend came along with also went so fast I didn't get today's post made yesterday like I usually do!  yet I did get my September Bloom Box cards completed, went to see the movie Sully (absolutely fabulous!), went to a monthly stamp club meeting in Tucson, did some shopping at The Container Store (gotta take a couple items back, wrong size), along with also more!  Here's 1 of the 4 cards coming from the Bloom Box.

These 2 fun critters, the trees, along with also some phrases are coming from the showcased set "Deer Friends".  I just love the little hedgehog!  in which set will be available for general purchase January 2017.

Products used...
Card Stocks:
Whip Cream
Limeade Splash (card base)
Pool Play


Black Licorice
Limeade Splash
Kiwi Slice
Lovely Blue (faint coloring on Whip Cream layer)


Journey Circles

coloring Burst Pencils
coloring Burst Blenders

Journey Twine
Amazing Accents

I added some bling to the eyes along with also noses using my Clear Wink of Stella pen.  the idea splattered so I ended up adding dots of the idea to the Whip Cream layer, too.

Deer Friend

Thursday 26 October 2017

the idea's Workdesk Wednesday!

the idea's a gorgeous fall day!  We've been getting rain which is most appreciated for our dry dessert inside southwest.  I've been preparing for a Halloween card class Friday... done yesterday morning.  Yesterday afternoon I commenced on some ideas for an Autumn/Thanksgiving class for October.  as well as also today I'm joining up with Julia coming from the Stamping Ground as well as also many various other crafters as we give you a look into where we work.  I've been taking part for a couple years as well as also have made some friends coming from Europe.  So, here's my desk.  the idea is busy.

I have die cut a variety of leaves in 5 colors as well as also a branch as well as also have just splattered which has a couple products coming from the company I'm with called Silks (looks like fingernail polish bottles). You can see dies as well as also my paper trimmer to the left as well as also assorted tools, ATG adhesive gun, as well as also my Platinum machine to the right. as well as also a brand-new roll of removable tape (blue item by ATG gun) which I just purchased yet haven't used yet.  I'll be posting This specific project sometime down the road, maybe even on another WOYWW day.  (I actually need to clean up all the paper scraps to the right, ugh.)

This specific post is short so you can head on over to the Stamping Ground as well as also tour the desks.  I'll be back soon as I have to take my dad as well as also his wife to the airport today as they're flying out to see my brother for a few days. I did prepare This specific post last night since I have to get up early to load my car with suitcases.  Oh, as well as also I have a friend going with us which needs to go to the airport as well as also a friend joining me as I need to return a couple items to The Container Store as well as also get different sizes.  Will be a FULL car!

the idea's Workdesk Wednesday!

Kids Construction Paper Crafts

Easy Construction Paper Crafts

In my mind, in which means the item is officially time to start fall crafts. So when Sissy asked to make a craft Halloween countdown along with also print the template directly onto orange construction paper. MOM TIP – Print an extra copy of the template on white paper Paper plate crafts are so simple along with also easy to do. Kids just love them. With back to school season If you don’t have sticky felt, a piece of construction paper will do just fine as well. 5. Twist a brown pipe cleaner around your finger along with also place When kids work on This kind of craft, they will be improving on the following skills: Step 1: Have your child place their hand on the black construction paper along with also using the pencil (or chalk) trace around their hands. Repeat with the opposite hand. Step 2 coloring Writing-For younger children have them practice writing simple along with also for building shapes. Craft your own “crayons”- Cut crayons coming from construction paper along with also practice writing skills by having them write the crayon names on the paper, they can Trace your CD onto a piece of cardstock or construction CD monster craft by attaching the clothespins to the bottom of your monster for legs. The clothespins make This kind of activity extra fun because they become a bit of a balancing act. Kids will have This kind of wine cork stamped apple tree craft is not only a great excuse for opening up a bottle of wine This kind of evening after the kids go to bed out a tree trunk coming from your brown cardstock (or construction) paper along with also more strips for tree branches. .

I think parents in which try This kind of craft with their children won't regret the item along with also we have clear tape, toilet paper tube, proportionate Styrofoam ball, colorful construction paper/fabric of the makers choice. 1) People will start by using a simple pre-packaged craft projects coming from craft stores like foam letters along with also numbers to write things or make a picture on construction paper, or foam nativity pieces to put on a foam stable at Christmas time. With children as young as mine, I avoid projects Inspire children to dream up the positive modifications If you want to DIY a bit more, make your own leaves out of green craft paper. Use the letter stencils to trace out the words on construction paper or scrapbook paper. due to This kind of photo booth backdrop More Hooray the item S Halloween, Halloween Eat, Halloween Fall Decorations, Decorations Crafts, Cheap Halloween make the item look like you have a rodent infestation. You could use construction paper, cardstock or bristol board. They might love the item! .

Gallery of kids construction paper crafts:

Construction Paper Christmas Wreath Idea

Resolution image size: 500 x 375 · 166 kB · jpeg

Arts along with also Crafts with Construction Paper Ideas

Resolution image size: 640 x 480 · 77 kB · jpeg

Paper Football Craft for Kids

Resolution image size: 1600 x 1071 · 214 kB · jpeg

Crafts to Make with Construction Paper

Resolution image size: 1276 x 1280 · 379 kB · jpeg

Halloween Construction Paper Crafts

Resolution image size: 910 x 1440 · 365 kB · jpeg

Easy Construction Paper Thanksgiving Crafts

Resolution image size: 960 x 720 · 60 kB · jpeg

Preschool Winter Crafts Penguin

Resolution image size: 784 x 1024 · 117 kB · jpeg

Arts along with also Crafts Using Construction Paper

Resolution image size: 1093 x 1600 · 233 kB · jpeg

Penguin Construction Paper Crafts

Resolution image size: 1600 x 765 · 194 kB · jpeg

Paper Plate Cat Mask Craft

Resolution image size: 1600 x 1200 · 308 kB · jpeg

Paper Flower Crafts

Resolution image size: 800 x 0 · 25 kB · jpeg

Rainy Day Umbrella Craft Paper

Resolution image size: 375 x 500 · 101 kB · jpeg

Paper Plate Octopus Craft

Resolution image size: 1600 x 1200 · 180 kB · jpeg

Paper Plate Shark Craft

Resolution image size: 1600 x 1200 · 230 kB · jpeg

Preschool Paper Plate Dinosaur Crafts

Resolution image size: 808 x 729 · 583 kB · png

Halloween Spider Hat Craft

Resolution image size: 1600 x 939 · 0 kB · jpeg

Easy Kids Crafts with Construction Paper

Resolution image size: 1217 x 1600 · 205 kB · jpeg

Preschool Fall Crafts

Resolution image size: 1185 x 1600 · 368 kB · jpeg

Construction Paper Arts along with also Crafts

Resolution image size: 1600 x 1200 · 193 kB · jpeg

Kids Construction Paper Crafts

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Owls along with Hedgehogs

I didn't get This particular post ready yesterday like I usually do as I've been having lots of allergy issues.  Between the itchy along with watery eyes to the runny nose I've been a mess!  nevertheless I wanted to show you 2 more cards coming from the September Bloom Box since today is the last day of Sept.   I still have 1 more card after This particular nevertheless hopefully I'll get of which one posted on Monday.

I changed the position of the owls because of This particular card compared to the directions.  Many years ago I had a Tshirt of which had the 3 owls in This particular position along with the words on the item said, "Pobody's nerfect."  I kinda wish we had of which text nevertheless I could have computer generated the item. nevertheless the phrase here is just fine.

I used one of our coloration Splash Pencils (watercolor) along which has a watercolor brush to coloration the background along with our coloration Burst Pencils to coloration the owls.  A bit of Silver Silk splattered on the background was fun.

I think these hedgehogs are just the cutest!  along with the background was SO easy!  I put a few drops of our Blue Lagoon Splash on an acrylic block, added a couple sprays which has a mister then laid a piece of our coloration Splash papers on top.  I had enough coloration left over I wiped the item up which has a piece of Whip Cream along with gave of which to a friend.

I colored the little critters with our coloration Burst pencils, a blending stump, along with some baby oil to blend.
This particular hedgehog card is my favorite of the 4.

Stamps:  Deer Friends set (available in January (?) for general purchase
Card Stocks: Whip Cream, Lemon Drop, Citrus Cooler, Pool Play, Limeade Splash, coloration Splash Sheet
Inks:  Black Licorice
Silks: Silver
Dies: Journey Rectangles, Bloom Cluster (branch)
Coloring: Blue Lagoon Splash, coloration Burst Pencils, coloration Splash Pencils, coloration Burst Blenders,  Journey Blending Brush,  Blue Lagoon Splash,
Embellies: Natural Twine, Rhinestones,

I will have pictures of the October Bloom Box on the FSJ Specials page soon.  Can you believe of which tomorrow is October??  Man, of which was a fast September nevertheless then we were gone for 2 1/2 weeks.

Owls along with Hedgehogs

Another Deer, Another Owl, along with Great Specials

Well, here's the last of the 4 cards I made coming from our September Bloom Box. along with today FSJ is probably shipping out my October box!  along with the idea's a dilly, especially if you like fairies.  Here's a picture of the cards to be made:

I'm not big on fairies yet these are cute!  along with you can get the exclusive stamp set along with 4 kits for $24.95 (plus ship/tax) when you subscribe for a 6 month commitment!  Just click HERE to order yours today!

along with now on to my card...

I had a bit of a halo next to the "r" inside word Deer so out came the Dark Roast Silk to help hide the idea. I didn't use the Natural Twine since I moved the owl to perch on the deer's back.  along with look at his eyes!!!  Oh my gosh!  I added a bit of Journey Glaze along with the eyes plumb look spooky inside photo!  Maybe he's thinking of Halloween.

Here his eyes look much better!  I colored with our shade Burst Pencils, blending stumps, along with Baby Oil.  See ma, no pencil lines! I also added a couple extra trees for a more forest look.  Not bad!  What say you?

Card stocks:  Pool Play, Lemon Drop, Citrus Cooler, Whip Cream, Party Pop Prints pattern paper

Inks: Black Licorice, Limeade Splash

Silk: Dark Roast

Dies: Journey Squares, Border Basics

Coloring shade Burst Pencils, Blenders

various other: Journey Glaze, Paper Clip Elements

along with now for our specials in which month:
You can join my team along with FSJ for an amazing $99.99 in which month only!

along with the cool Amaze machine is included inside kit!  the idea's like a mini Platinum! 

along with we have our memory keeping supplies on sale at 20% off!  

Just click on the pics to enlarge.  along with click HERE to start shopping!

Another Deer, Another Owl, along with Great Specials

Monday 23 October 2017

Autumn Leaves in addition to Desks

in which's Wednesday! Do you know what happens today?  If you've been following me you know nevertheless if you're brand-new in which's a day of desks across the earth!  Yep, I'm a part of a blog tour of desks put together by Julia at the Stamping Ground.  in which is week 383 so in which has been going on for a LONG time!

We've been having some nice cool mornings in addition to in which's been wonderful!  The only problem is in which here in southern Arizona we don't contain the trees in which get the gorgeous fall colors!  I so miss seeing those inside mountains of Wyoming where we used to live (in addition to where I'd move back to in a heartbeat if I could).  Last week I shared a photo of some leaves I had die cut in addition to was working on for an upcoming class.  Well, I'm not ready to share the card nevertheless I'll give you a glimpse right after I show you my desk.

My desk is busy working on postcards for a hostess of an upcoming Make - in which Party.  I need to get these to her Thursday so we can start planning on her party.  She had so much fun at the class I taught last week she wants to hold one in her home only there I'll be going after sales.

Here's my "students" coming from my class last Friday.  We had a ball creating Halloween cards!  All these gals are accomplished card makers so, except for the last card which was the most difficult, they finished all 4 cards in about 2 hours.  I made up kits with paper pre-cut in addition to more to cut the waste.

I bet you're waiting for my card.  Well, here's the glimpse....

Ok, I didn't give too much away nevertheless I bet you can guess what the leaves form.  I'll probably show the full card next Wednesday so you do need to come back.

Now in which you've reached the end of my post please head over to the Stamping Ground for the links to others who are brave enough to show their desks in addition to projects!!

Autumn Leaves in addition to Desks

Recipe: Jen's Corn Chowder

I got This kind of recipe by an online friend, Jen. This kind of is a different chowder recipe than the one I posted last month. I made This kind of a few months ago along with doubled the recipe for my family of four. The kids didn't like the idea, nevertheless my husband along with I did. the idea's nice along with warm for the upcoming cool weather when you'll want some comfort food!

Jen's Corn Chowder
2 cans (13-14oz.) chicken broth
3 medium potatoes, peeled along with diced
1 cup diced smoked ham
1 can (8 3/4oz.) whole kernel corn
¼ tsp. ground pepper
¼ cup flour
1 cup milk
¼ cup butter or margarine

Mix first 5 ingredients in sauce pan along with bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover along with simmer for 15 to 20 minutes until potatoes are tender. Whisk flour along with milk in a bowl until smooth along with then whisk into corn/potato mixture. Stir in butter or margarine. Simmer, stirring two minutes until butter has melted along with soup thickened. Sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley. Makes 5 cups.

Note: I don't keep canned chicken broth inside house. I substituted with 4 cups of water along with 4 chicken bouillon cubes.
Recipe: Jen's Corn Chowder