Thursday 26 October 2017

the idea's Workdesk Wednesday!

the idea's a gorgeous fall day!  We've been getting rain which is most appreciated for our dry dessert inside southwest.  I've been preparing for a Halloween card class Friday... done yesterday morning.  Yesterday afternoon I commenced on some ideas for an Autumn/Thanksgiving class for October.  as well as also today I'm joining up with Julia coming from the Stamping Ground as well as also many various other crafters as we give you a look into where we work.  I've been taking part for a couple years as well as also have made some friends coming from Europe.  So, here's my desk.  the idea is busy.

I have die cut a variety of leaves in 5 colors as well as also a branch as well as also have just splattered which has a couple products coming from the company I'm with called Silks (looks like fingernail polish bottles). You can see dies as well as also my paper trimmer to the left as well as also assorted tools, ATG adhesive gun, as well as also my Platinum machine to the right. as well as also a brand-new roll of removable tape (blue item by ATG gun) which I just purchased yet haven't used yet.  I'll be posting This specific project sometime down the road, maybe even on another WOYWW day.  (I actually need to clean up all the paper scraps to the right, ugh.)

This specific post is short so you can head on over to the Stamping Ground as well as also tour the desks.  I'll be back soon as I have to take my dad as well as also his wife to the airport today as they're flying out to see my brother for a few days. I did prepare This specific post last night since I have to get up early to load my car with suitcases.  Oh, as well as also I have a friend going with us which needs to go to the airport as well as also a friend joining me as I need to return a couple items to The Container Store as well as also get different sizes.  Will be a FULL car!

the idea's Workdesk Wednesday!

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