Tuesday 17 October 2017

Busy, busy, busy!

You've probably noticed which I haven't blogged additional than the weekly sketch in addition to recipe. The sketches in addition to recipes are scheduled ahead of time. When I have a free hour or two to work on sketches or type up recipes, I'll add them to the blog weeks (or months) ahead of time. which gives me peace of mind knowing which my readers will at least have something fresh to try, even if I'm not technically "here."

I have not been technically "here" in several weeks. I never could have dreamed 20 years ago which life could be so busy for me now. I was the slug on the couch eating junk food while I watched TV all weekend. The housework didn't get done regularly. I had no hobbies. I had no children.

I got tired of having to do a deep clean of the house every time company was coming. I wanted a house which was presentable even when someone dropped in unexpectedly. After 9 months of chipping away here in addition to there, I've finally got which. The weekly 'maintenance'  like sweeping, vacuuming, in addition to keeping clutter coming from piling up has become routine. I've been clearing out the basement over the last few years. Let me tell you, the basement was a disaster just a few short years ago. I've had a yard sale once a year for the last 3 or 4 years. which is the first year I've had two in the same year in addition to which's because I've genuinely pushed myself. I'm tired of looking at crap which's been in which house since we moved in. The upstairs living space is about 0% free of crap. The basement is about 60% free of crap. There will be another yard sale inside the spring. I expect which's the last one for awhile.

I gained more hours at work a few weeks ago which has been a big help financially. My husband is still out of work coming from his accident back in May. I've been taking a one-hour Zumba class faithfully twice a week. which takes something pretty big to make me skip my Zumba class. All of which decluttering plus my additional hours at work plus Zumba plus having two children in addition to a husband have left me with little time for my blog. I want to do stuff for the blog nevertheless my mind has been a million miles away for the last couple of months.

Starting the week of Oct. 4, my sketch feature will be put on hold again for at least a few weeks. I've got a few projects to take care of before I can work on sketches again. I'm looking forward to my life slowing down at least a little bit by mid-October.
Busy, busy, busy!

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