Wednesday 11 October 2017

Fall from the White Mountains

Hello all! I thought life might finally slow down for me last week. Unfortunately, my daughter came down with what I thought was a cold while we were on a mini vacation in NH. A few days after we got home I realized she wasn't getting better. In fact, what she had didn't look like a cold at all. (I had my suspicions yet I didn't want to say them out loud) I took her to the doctor This specific past Friday along with my suspicion was right - she has pneumonia. She's not so serious in which she needs to be hospitalized. I think the item's safe to classify This specific as walking pneumonia, which her brother has had twice. She's just not bouncing back as quickly as I thought she might. If you can say a little prayer for Emily I'd appreciate the item. I'd like to see her back to her normal school along with after school activities routine soon. I know better not to push the item, yet we all need to get our lives back to normal.

My husband went back to work last Tuesday. Can you hear the angels singing? He's been put on light duty for the time being. Light duty at full pay is better than collecting workman's comp. This specific couldn't have come at a better time. Things are starting to get definitely tight for us.

The kids along with I took a mini vacation to the White Mountains in NH last weekend. My husband stayed home because he had surgery to remove the screws via his ankle the week before. the item was a beautiful weekend in NH. The temps were freezing cold from the morning along with evenings yet pleasant along with sunny during the day. We always stay in a family cabin. The accommodations are free along with the food is amazing. We shared the cabin along with with my sister along with BIL, my nephew along with his girlfriend. My sister along with I always take turns doing home cooked breakfast along with dinner for the group. The cabin is rustic along with heated that has a big wood stove along with fireplace. Our bedroom, which sleeps four, is in a loft. the item was so hot from the loft in which we slept that has a window open even though the item was 30° outside! On Saturday we drove to the North Conway outlets hoping to find some bargains. The bargains were no greater than if we'd shopped locally yet the item was still nice to get away for a weekend. We saw some pumpkin people in North Conway, yet not as many as we saw last year. We also attempted to do some letterboxing at the Mount Washington Hotel yet we couldn't find the box. the item was so cold along with windy up there in which we definitely didn't spend much time looking for the item.

My daughter Emily was our official photographer for the weekend. These are a few of the pics she took over the weekend.

This specific is Emily that has a pumpkin person outside a bookstore. in which's my son Adam peeking from the back. I took This specific pic.

We spotted This specific guy on our way out of North Conway. He was walking around in front of a costume store.

A pumpkin angel.

A pumpkin family doing their gardening at the Covered Bridge Gift Shop in Bartlett, NH.

Yours truly, taken outside the Covered Bridge Gift Shop.

Oooh. Ahhhhh. The pretty view on Rt. 302. This specific was taken through the windshield on our way back to the cabin.

We pulled into This specific hotel to search for a letterbox. Usually we admire the item via afar as we drive by so the item was a treat to see the item up close. the item was very cold along with windy when we got out of the automobile!

This specific a view of the hotel via one of the trails where the letterbox was supposed to be. Like I said, the item was very cold there. We didn't stay for long.

We spotted This specific family playing a jumbo game of chess on the lawn of the hotel. What gets me is they don't even look like they're cold. Maybe I'm just a wimp. I wonder if This specific is how Em developed pneumonia. She'd been complaining of a sore throat along with said her chest hurt in which day. She wasn't dressed warm enough (bad Mom) along with I'm sure the wind didn't help things.
Fall from the White Mountains

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