Tuesday 25 July 2017

ABC Challenge at SOS

A=  alphabet stickers
B=  buttons by Stampin' Up!; Blossom Soup papers by Jillibean
C=  cotton thread for buttons

Thank you, Shopping Our Stash, for providing inspiration for me to finally finish my daughter's 2005 scrapbook; yes, the idea only took me seven years!

My scrapbooking story/My Scrapbooking Mission!

  1. Work towards catching up on my scrapbooking.
  2. Use old stash up.
  3. Shrink the pile of partially completed layouts as well as work them into my scrapbook album.

I am primarily a card maker (more instant gratification), however a few months ago my daughter Kathryn asked me when I was going to make more scrapbook pages.  Kathryn loves looking at my scrapbooks.  In 2003 (when my twins were babies), I set aside every Wednesday for their grandparents to babysit as well as I spent the day scrapbooking!  I created a full 12x12 baby album for each of them.  I have made little 7x7 albums for each of them for ages two as well as three, as well as a little vacation album.  I started off a 12x12 Christmas album as well as 12x12 school albums for each of them, however those have not been updated for 2005 as well as beyond *sigh*.  (Goal #1 - Work towards catching up!)

I also started off one 12x12 scrapbook of both of them starting with my baby showers.  I scrapbooked chronologically as well as included a 2-page format for every month plus birthdays as well as holidays, so by December 2003 the idea was a full album.  I started off scrapbooking 2004 similarly (in a second album), however we moved coming from NC to VA, so the weekly babysitting/scrapbooking was over.  In August 2007 the girls went between grandparents for a couple of weeks before school started off as well as I finished scrapbooking 2004.  At which point I gave myself permission to scrapbook whatever inspired me as well as worry about chronological order later on when I could fill inside the gaps.  As a result I have a pile in my craft room of incomplete as well as completed layouts sprinkled through the years for 2007, 2008, 2010, as well as 2011 however most of 2005 was complete.  (Goal #3 - Shrink the pile!)

I realized I had every month as well as/or holiday represented in 2005 except for September 2005.  I searched through my 12x12 collections as well as scrapbooking kits, however I could not find any coordinating papers.  Then I began perusing my 6x6 pads...do you scrap with 6x6?  I usually save these for card generating.  I liked how these Jillibean papers worked with the girls' pajamas.  Not my favorite format, however done is better than perfect.  (Goal #2 - Use old stash!)

Onward to start scrapbooking 2006!  as well as This kind of time the idea won't take 7 years :)

Happy Friday!
ABC Challenge at SOS

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