Friday 7 July 2017

What I've been up to...beads, migraines in addition to teenage drama

I've been busy doing pretty things with beads in addition to things. I see to have caught the jewelry doing bug via my daughter these days. I can't help myself. I get carried away when I'm within the beading dept. at JoAnn's. They had a great sale during President's Day weekend in addition to I splurged just a little. I didn't do as much damage as I thought I would certainly. LOL So far I've created these with my fresh supplies:

Hot pink memory wire bracelet

Chartreuse & ivory memory wire bracelet 

Matching earrings

I still have more beads to play with. I need to give myself a break between doing things so my brain doesn't get burned out.

The additional things I've been dealing with are my 13 year old daughter's health issues. She's been feeling sick on in addition to off for about six months. Wow, I didn't realize This kind of's been that will long until I did the math. This kind of commenced out last Sept. with what I thought (in addition to still think) was a sinus infection. She has seasonal allergies in addition to last year was rough on her. The doctor said This kind of wasn't an infection although I still disagree. She never fully recovered after that will. She spent months feeling run down, tired, headachey. I brought her to the doctor once a month via Nov. until last week. In Nov. the doctor did blood work in addition to tested for mono in addition to low iron. He told me the tests showed she's slightly anemic although nothing else came up. In December I took her for her regular check-up. We mentioned daily headaches to the doctor, although she was so rushed to get out for Christmas (the appt. was 2:00 pm on Dec. 23) that will her issues weren't dealt with. In January I brought her in again for the headaches. This kind of time the doctor treated her for a sinus infection. He prescribed a Z-pack having a refill. She took both rounds in addition to the headaches continued. *sigh* Last week I requested that will she be seen by the doctor who did the blood work last fall. OMG This kind of doctor is so wonderful. I think he gave her a full 45 mins. of his time to figure This kind of out. As he went through her blood results via last fall he briefly mentioned "when she had mono," which caused me to stop him in addition to say "whoa, what did you say?" He never told me back in Nov. that will she had mono. This kind of time he clarified that will the results weren't conclusive although she definitely had some type of virus going on. I strongly believe This kind of was mono - she was miserable for at least a month or two. Anyway, the diagnosis last week is what I've been suspecting for a few weeks myself - migraines. The poor girl has been miserable. Not just her, although the rest of us having to deal with her terrible moods. I don't blame her. If I had a headache every single day I'd be a miserable person too. He prescribed a preventative medicine that will she takes every night before bed. This kind of's been one week in addition to I think I have my daughter back. She's happier than I've seen her in a long time. The kids were on vacation last week so today is the first day back to school since she commenced her medicine. Last night she said she was afraid she'd feel sick again today because of the long hours she has to be at school (she has drama everyday until 6:00 for the next two weeks). I haven't received any texts via her today telling me she doesn't feel well. that will is a milestone. 

My son has had his own drama going on. He's 16 in addition to has been dating the same girl for about 18 months. They broke up recently, which surprised me although I don't pry. This kind of's between him in addition to her. He was never shy about telling me how he felt about her within the past. I told him I'm here if he wants to talk although he hasn't opened up. Recently I found out the reason behind the break up through a Facebook post on her page. I wasn't snooping - her page isn't private so anyone can see This kind of. via what I can tell he's taken the high road, although what she's done must have broken his heart. I don't think he wanted to break This kind of off although This kind of was for the best. that will's the part that will bothers me. Someone hurt my boy in addition to I don't like This kind of. 10 years down the road hopefully she'll feel bad for stringing him along for so long. She's only 15 so I can't condemn her for being immature, although she features a lot of growing up to do. He on the additional hand, seems to be doing ok in addition to is spending more time with his guy friends. I desire he takes a break via girls for awhile. They create too much drama.
What I've been up to...beads, migraines in addition to teenage drama

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