Friday 14 July 2017

Four brand-new Layouts

I'm proud to say I've managed to get a few layouts done inside the past couple of months. I made a commitment to myself to attend the monthly crops at our local scrapbook store. I made a Boy Scout scrapbook as a Christmas gift for my son at the November as well as also December crops. I figured since he made Eagle Scout back in June 2011 (proud Mom moment!!) I might as well start which Scout scrapbook I've been planning for the past all 5 or so years. ;)

In January I got back into doing pages for me. Here are four which are actually complete. I have one more to finish yet my son needs to do the journaling on the item as well as also I keep forgetting to ask him. Sorry for the poor photos. I'm still getting used to the brand-new camera my son gave me for my birthday (he's such a good boy).

My daughter's 7th grade school pics. I had her do the journaling in her own handwriting.

My daughter's tap pics for 2009-2010 (I got a tad behind on the dance pics!). This particular one was very hard to photograph because of the shiny background paper.

My son got his first real job at the end of last summer. *sob* He's a cashier/bagger at the local grocery store. I can't believe he let me take these photos. lol

This particular is a pic which's taken me a while to sit down as well as also scrap. This particular is my husband laid up in bed after his terrible, awful work accident in May 2010. When someone inside the house is sick or hurt my cat Flower will stay with which person for hours. In This particular case she sat on my husband's chest as if she was telling him not to try to go anywhere (he was stubborn about wanting to do things for himself when he clearly couldn't). There's an orange reflection on the pic right where she is yet the arrow is pointing to her.

Four brand-new Layouts

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