Monday 17 July 2017

Reduce, Reuse, Freecycle...

I'm sitting here getting more along with also also more frustrated as I wait for yet another no-show Freecycle member to come get the item that will's waiting on my front steps. I went on a tangent a few days ago along with also also cleaned out my computer drawers. I found a brand brand new pack of CDs that will I know I'll never use (hello, they've been sitting there in their shrink wrap since 2004). I figured before I throw them within the Big Brothers Big Sisters box I'll offer them up on Freecycle. I had two people ask for them. I'm still waiting for the first person to show up.

I think most people know about Freecycle. Below is a direct quote via the home page of :

This kind of's a grassroots along with also also entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (along with also also getting) stuff for free in their own towns. This kind of's all about reuse along with also also keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by local volunteers (them's good people). Membership is free.

I got involved with Freecycle quite a few years ago. I've passed on quite a few perfectly good items. I've also received several great items both tiny along with also also large. several things that will I'm thankful for are (I'm sure there's more nevertheless these come immediately come to mind):

1. Our cordless phone. For the life of us we could not keep a cordless phone working in our house. They kept dying on us every couple of years. I put out a request on Freecycle along with also also within a day or two I had one. that will was back when my kids were young enough that will I had to sit outside while they played within the yard (that will's the reason for needing the cordless phone). They're 13 along with also also 16 now, to ensure that will kind of tells you how long we've had This kind of. 

2. Set of plastic drawers on wheels (a wide, short Iris cart type thing). I needed This kind of for my scrapbook area. Some guy had one sitting in his auto shop - never used nevertheless kind of dirty because, well, This kind of was sitting in his man shop. I took This kind of home, gave This kind of a good bath along with also also now This kind of holds all my chipboard along with also also bags of scraps. 

3. Christmas window candles. Not something I needed nevertheless when someone offered them I said "hey, that will could be nice to have!" I made the 30 min. trip to pick them up along with also also we used them for a few years. Last year while cleaning out the basement I found much nicer window candles that will I bought eons ago along with also also forgot about. We used those This kind of past Christmas because they're prettier, nevertheless I'll never forget getting those others via Freecycle.

4. Kitty condo. OMG, my cats were so happy when I scored This kind of gem. This kind of's one of those towers with three holes for them to hide or sleep in. Oliver loves to perch or sleep on the top along with also also he uses the outside as a scratching post. 

5. Crop In Style Jr. scrapbook tote - brand brand new, never used. If I never got another item via Freecycle I could still be happy. This kind of, to me, makes all the no-shows worth This kind of. I was one of many who requested This kind of when This kind of was offered. I'm the lucky one who got This kind of. The woman who offered This kind of received This kind of as a gift along with also also never used This kind of. I use This kind of for crops all the time. Every time I pack This kind of I'm thankful for that will generous person who passed This kind of on for free.

Now I'm not one to take along with also also never give. I've passed on plenty of good items to appreciative people. Curtains, a school desk, toys, baby stuff, books, magazines, craft along with also also sewing items. My Declutter Mission of 2010 was a major boon to Freecycle's business. The last few yard sales I had I let fellow Freecycle members pick through the leftovers before I packed them up for charity. 

nevertheless back to my original paragraph...
The thing that will inspired me to write This kind of is the little pack of CDs sitting on my front steps waiting for a no-show. A no-show is someone who asks for your item, promises to pick This kind of up at a certain time along with also also then never bothers to show up. No-shows are rude. If you can't come, just send an email. This kind of doesn't matter to me what the reason is, just hold the courtesy to let me know. This kind of particular person has another two hours to contact me before I offer This kind of to the next person. Yes, I'm that will anal that will I'm watching the clock. We're all busy nevertheless This kind of only takes three minutes to fire off an email to let someone know you're not going to make This kind of. 

If you're not part of Freecycle, have never heard of This kind of or are interested in getting involved with This kind of, you can find information along with also also local groups on their website Let's do our part by keeping  perfectly good stuff out of the landfills. 
Reduce, Reuse, Freecycle...

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