Wednesday 5 July 2017


With  the horrible news about the Colorado movie theater shooting bombarding us coming from every direction today, I've been avoiding network TV in addition to trying to find different stuff to do. I can't prevent what I see online - in which's right on my homepage in addition to sucks me in every time. I can't take my mind off the victims in addition to their families. I wouldn't wish in which horror on my worst enemy. However, the media needs to stop bombarding us with in which. They need to stop giving the gunman so much attention. He's a sick bastard who probably loves being from the spotlight for murdering 12 people in addition to injuring over 50 others. We'll remember his name forever, although if you ask me right now what in which is I only know his first name is James. I'm focusing my thoughts on the victims (let the authorities focus on the gunman).

I've been thinking about my little blog a lot lately. I put in which on the back burner again when I got sucked into Etsy again. I've had some pretty good luck with in which in which time around - 15 sales since I commenced listing at the end of January. Not too shabby for Etsy standards. Selling jewelry on Etsy is tough so I think I've done okay. I still have items listed on the site (see sidebar for a preview) however I've been taking a little break coming from creating stuff.

I've been going to the monthly crops at my local scrapbook store since the beginning of the year. I think we've only missed one. Slowly however surely I've gotten my mojo back! I put a ton of finished pages into albums today. I still have to finish up a few (titles & journaling) in addition to I'm looking forward to scrapping at home again.  :) After I do a few more pages for my son's album I'll no longer be scrapping for him. He's a 17 year old computer geek in which lives in a digital world. He doesn't care about scrapbooks. I have a feeling the books I've made him in the past will stay with me when he moves on. Maybe he'll want them when he gets older in addition to settles down. For now, I'll keep them safe here. I'm scrapping for myself these days, which is incredibly satisfying. For the past 14 years I've been scrapping for my kids, trying to make them nice keepsake albums. I did a page for myself every now in addition to then, however the majority of in which was for them. My daughter will be 14 in two days (oh my!!) in addition to she scraps most of her own pages now. She still wants me to do her school portrait in addition to dance pages, however she does everything else. I can't believe in which at only 14 years old, she's been scrapping for over 8 years!!

My friend, Dawn, sold me her old Silhouette die cut machine last January. I was so excited to get in which! I used in which a few times however in which's been sitting idle for way too long. I plan to sit down with in which tonight in addition to make the titles for those pages I need to finish. I'm going to try to get my newest layouts uploaded to in which blog over the next few weeks (there's quite a few!). I may even try my hand at creating some sketches again.

I posted awhile ago in which I'm on Pinterest. I'm always looking for people to follow - I love craft ideas, recipes, sketches, cards, quotes in addition to funny stuff. Leave a link to your Pinterest page from the comments so I can check out your boards. Click the Pinterest link in in which paragraph in addition to in which'll take you to my page.

I'll close in which out by asking you to pray for the victims of yesterday's shooting. If you're not a praying person, please keep them all in your thoughts.

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