Friday 28 July 2017

Autumn Leaves as well as Desks, Part 2

Wednesday, Wednesday... seems like of which comes faster than every 7 days when I'm taking part from the weekly What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.  Seems like of which was just a couple days ago I took a picture of my desk as well as joined in This kind of fun global blog hop put together by Julia at the Stamping Ground.  My desk is kinda empty as I just finished up a project for a FSJ Blog Hop This kind of Sunday.  yet there is something brand-new as well as different on my desk today.

Look close...   of which's from the upper right on a shelf.  Yep,  of which's a little green Monster!  I'm planning on producing him my mascot for my team from the company.  yet on the lower left you can see my paper trimmer as well as a pile of stamp sets as well as dies through the projects I just finished.  Far right... my ATG adhesive gun.  Back left, my red Cricut as well as a shelf of all kinds of things, then moving right, my Copic markers then my ink pads.  I will be working on a special project today of which I need for a challenge.

yet I think I've also held you in suspense long enough about the Autumn Leaves.

Someone last week thought she knew what I made through last week's teaser picture.  This kind of card is one of four of which I'll be teaching in a class on October 28.  of which will be a good distraction for me as of which's my mom's birthday as well as she died just over 2 years ago.  yet of which's also a very busy week.  Between working of which Monday as well as Thursday, I have a doctor appt. to schedule a colonoscopy (mom had colon cancer twice) as well as I have a home party Saturday afternoon.  I'll be cutting paper like a crazy woman prepping for the class as well as party.

I desire you enjoyed seeing my completed card.  I'll be sharing the additional 3 soon.  Please head over to the Stamping Ground to get the links to all the others joining in today.

(as well as since I'm involved in a Blog Hop on Saturday there will be no Friday post.)

Autumn Leaves as well as Desks, Part 2

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