Friday 14 April 2017

3D Paper Flower Tutorial

paper flower tutorial

Sheet music + Glimmer Mist + Stickles + vintage button = Fabulous Paper Flower!

My addiction to Pinterest has given me so many ideas lately! I've been seeing a lot of paper flowers these days along with also I've been itching to try them myself. A friend of mine is getting married soon so I decided to make her a card with my semi-brand new toy, the original Silhouette machine. I wanted to incorporate a 3D paper flower within the design along with also figured the easiest way would likely be to cut different size flower pieces with the Silhouette.

First things first, I searched online for printable vintage sheet music. I don't know what This kind of is about sheet music, however I think This kind of's a cool design for card creating. When I found This kind of fabulous design along with also discovered This kind of comes in blue, I immediately downloaded This kind of along with also printed This kind of on both sides of regular printer paper. Because I was going to make a flower out of This kind of I didn't want the paper too thick. I chose blue because my friend's wedding colors are navy, silver along with also white.

After I printed my paper I set This kind of aside to let This kind of dry (because This kind of used so much ink This kind of came off the printer feeling a little damp). Meanwhile, I fired up the Silhouette along with also set up a document using a bunch of different size flowers coming from the Card Essentials Vol. 2 kit by My Scrap Chick. My Scrap Chick offered the kit for only $2.50 for a few days in August while they promoted a contest on their Facebook page.

When I made enough flowers to work with, I cut them out of the blue sheet music paper.

The paper looked kind of blah because there was no sparkle to This kind of so I sprayed the pieces with Glimmer Mist  Dew Drop. I couldn't see much of a difference so I sprayed them 2 or 3 times, letting them dry between coats.

I still wasn't getting the results I wanted, which was noticeable sparkle or shine, so after the final coat of Glimmer Mist dried, I outlined the edge of each flower with Crystal Clear Stickles.

Much better. You can see in This kind of photo that will the Glimmer Mist gave This kind of a bit of sheen however that will's about This kind of. I let everything sit for a few days, then sat down to make my flower. I stacked all the pieces together by size, poked a tiny hole within the center along with also secured them using a very tiny brad.

Look at that will sparkle! Now the fun part. Working one layer at a time (smallest first), I scrunched up each flower.

This kind of is the point where I realized that will dried Stickles along with also scrunching do not work well together. The Stickles flaked off in chunks along with also there was glitter everywhere! This kind of was pretty funny actually. I still had enough on the flower to give This kind of some sparkle, however next time I'll apply Stickles after the flower is finished.

Chunks of Stickles on the table.

The combination of Glimmer Mist along with also Stickles made my paper pretty "crunchy" so I was concerned This kind of might break or crack however This kind of didn't. This kind of was just a little harder to work with. I was still happy with the end results. When I was done crunching up all my layers I opened up the flower along with also added a vintage button to the center with plenty of Glue Dots to keep This kind of secure. I love the combination of the sheet music, shimmer coming from the Glimmer Mist along with also Stickles along with also the button. 

I entered This kind of card in a Facebook contest sponsored by My Scrap Chick. The contest required us to use the Card Essentials Vol. 2 kit. This kind of card was made using a few elements coming from the kit, including the flower shapes. I still need to make an envelope that will's big enough to not crush the flower. 

I got my Silhouette in January however This kind of's taken This kind of long for me to start using This kind of on a regular basis. I've had a couple of hair-pulling experiences (mostly operator error!) however for the most part I'm in love with This kind of handy gadget. I want to thank my friend Dawn at Serenity Scrappers for offering This kind of to me at a bargain price when she upgraded to the Cameo. Thanks Dawn!

Check out This kind of housewarming card 
I recently made with the Silhouette. 

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3D Paper Flower Tutorial

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