Friday 7 April 2017

Great sale at My Scrap Chick!


I don't work for My Scrap Chick however I have to share a great deal when I see one. Right now if you spend $10 you get 75% off your purchase! I just got done purchasing every pattern I've been drooling over in addition to the item only cost me $5.75 (after using the $10 gift code I received for entering of which card in their FB contest)! of which's 19 files of which include 2 sets of 4 cards, a set of 5 different envelope styles in addition to a slew of various other stuff! I'm a happy camper - or should I say paper piecer!

I guess I should mention of which My Scrap Chick sells files for die cut machines like the Silhouette, Wishblade, etc. The patterns also include a printable PDF pattern if you want to cut the item out by hand (I used to do of which before I got my Silhouette). Most patterns are only a dollar so if you buy 10 patterns for $1.00 each in addition to get 75% off, of which's 25 cents per pattern! Woo hoo!

Sorry for my absence on the blog of which week. I was sick right through Monday in addition to didn't even think about blogging (various other than my Sat. morning post). I need to get my tush back in blogging mode.
Great sale at My Scrap Chick!

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