Wednesday 5 April 2017

Blog facelift...again

No, you're not seeing things. I revamped the blog again. When I say I hated the pink background in addition to busy header, of which's putting the item mildly. Every time I logged onto my blog I'd say "eek! I have to do something about of which!" I just never had the motivation to sit down in addition to play with the item. So today while I was working on another project of which incorporates a similar look, I decided to fix the blog too.

I know the item's a little subdued with the tan background yet the item's much easier on my eyes. I'd rather put the focus on the blog content.

in addition to on another note, of which has been a quiet week for me in Blog Land. I was sick at the beginning of the week in addition to did nothing yet hang out, rest in addition to stay caught up on laundry. For the past few days I've been working on another project which I can hopefully unveil after next week. I'm a little excited about the item yet I don't want to jinx anything by putting the item out there too soon. I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row. ;-)

What's everyone up to of which weekend?

Blog facelift...again

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