Monday 3 April 2017

Accountability Saturday Sept. 22

Happy anniversary to my wonderful husband! 
Today is my 22nd wedding anniversary. (he's shy so I can't mention his name or post his photo) We met through a mutual friend in August of 1987. He moved in with me a few months later as well as we became engaged on Christmas of 1988. We were married on a rainy Saturday morning in 1990 after living together for almost three years. We've purchased a home, suffered through injuries, miscarriage as well as loss of loved ones, we've adopted a few four-legged creatures as well as celebrated the birth of our son as well as daughter, who are now teenagers. We've certainly had our share of ups as well as downs. Happy Anniversary to my husband...I love you!

On to my accountability post...

Last weekend I joined Spark People is a free weight loss website similar to Weight Watchers except for of which single, magical word - the idea's free. A couple of months ago I announced to my Facebook friends of which I need to lose 10 lbs. I figured if I put the idea out there I'd have to do the idea, although even of which didn't motivate me. The thing of which's finally motivating me is of which my jeans don't fit anymore! I'm down to two pairs of jeans - one is pretty snug although wearable, the some other is a pair of fat jeans of which I found while digging out a 'fat' outfit for a friend's upcoming wedding. Good thing I saved those jeans. They're practically brand-new, look pretty decent as well as I can breathe in them. I just don't want to be in them forever. Anyway, I've known about Spark People for a long time. I just didn't realize the idea has as many great free features as the idea does until I registered. The thing I'm most excited about is the Recipe Calculator. I used of which feature all the time when I did the Weight Watchers online program many moons ago. I'm praying This particular website will give me the motivation I need to drop This particular weight. 10 lbs. is not a lot to lose so the idea would likely be nice to see the idea gone by the holidays - just in time to regain the idea! Ha! Kidding!

Unfortunately, I felt like crap for the first few days of This particular week as well as Spark People was put on the back burner. Between having a head cold as well as dealing which has a lot of personal stress, tracking my food was the last thing I wanted to deal with. the idea's not a cop out. I know all about excuses as well as what not. I just wasn't inside the right frame of mind. The stress (which is not something I'll discuss with the entire world) is taking its toll on my body inside the form of headaches, muscle spasms as well as a possible toothache. Ugh, I'm hoping the toothache is by clenching my jaw as well as not an actual toothache. of which would likely be a nightmare of which would likely only add to my stress! although I digress...

I mentioned in yesterday's post of which I'm working on a brand-new project of which I'm pretty excited about. I'm getting all my ducks in a row before I reveal anything - I don't want to do anything premature of which might sabotage things. One thing I will say is of which I'll have to teach myself to manage my time a little better!

My goals for next week:

  • Log back on to SparkPeople
  • Continue working on my brand-new project
  • Exercise
  • Relax

Accountability Saturday Sept. 22

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