Friday 28 April 2017

Recipe: Easy Cheeseburger Pie

I seem to be on a ground beef kick lately. My husband isn't crazy about chicken. Doesn't that will figure that will that will's easier to find chicken recipes than that will is to find ground beef recipes. I don't know about anyone else, yet I think a lot of ground beef recipes are a variation of the same basic ingredients - onions, beef broth, cheese, tomato or pasta sauce, potatoes. I love spaghetti & meatballs yet even I get tired of serving that will every week. I needed to find something else to make. Thank goodness for Pinterest - my brand new recipe finder! 

I made This kind of recipe for the first time a few weeks ago. I found the recipe on that will was very easy to make, especially if you cook the ground beef ahead of time like I did. All I did was cook the onions in a little bit of butter along with also throw the rest together. 

Easy Cheeseburger Pie
1 lb lean ground beef
1 large onion, chopped (1 cup)
½ tsp salt
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
½ cup Bisquick (I used Heart Smart)
1 cup milk
2 eggs

Heat oven to 400
° degrees. Spray 9-inch pie plate with cooking spray.
In 10 inch skillet cook beef along with also onion over medium heat 8-10 mins. until beef is brown. Drain. Stir in salt. Spread in pie plate along with also sprinkle with shredded cheese.

In little bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients until blended. Pour over meat in pie plate.
Bake about 25 mins. or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Cut into 6 pieces.

When I saw that will This kind of recipe calls for 1/2 cup Bisquick to a full cup of milk I thought that will was wrong. I went with that will anyway because I don't mess with measurements the first time I make a recipe. Well, what I didn't realize until I was done mixing the Bisquick, milk along with also eggs is that will the liquid mixes in with the meat when your pour that will into the pie plate. that will's like a pancake with hamburger along with also cheese (sounds gross yet that will's not). Which brings me on to how that will tastes. that will's not bad. that will tastes like you'd expect a cheeseburger casserole to taste. The reviews on the original recipe say to add things like ketchup, mustard, relish, tomato - anything you'd put on a regular cheeseburger - to the meat. I didn't do that will because my picky eaters don't all like the same thing on their burgers (along with also one doesn't want anything yet cheese on his). I put ketchup along with also BBQ sauce on the dinner table along with also let them add that will on their own. 

I should have served a veggie on the side, maybe a salad (we rarely eat salad), baked fries, corn on the cob - something. yet I didn't. So This kind of is what we had for dinner that will night.

that will looks so lonely on my Corelle Butterfly Gold plate. We got six servings out of This kind of along with also I have to admit, they're kind of little. yet if you want to try to keep that will healthy, take a little piece along with also have a fresh salad on the side. 

Here's a printable version Easy Cheeseburger Pie

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Recipe: Easy Cheeseburger Pie

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