Tuesday 18 April 2017

DIY Fabric Softener for only $1.50!

DIY fabric softener

I made 88 oz of fabric softener for only $1.50!

A couple of weeks ago I found a "recipe" online for homemade fabric softener. I've used generic softener for years with so-so results. which's nothing to write home about. My favorite is Downy Free because which's unscented in addition to I'm all about unscented laundry products. However, the last time I bought a bottle at Wally World which cost me about $7.00 (no coupons, regular price - eek!). which's the bottle within the photo above. which is not Downy within the cap. which's homemade fabric softener.

I found the recipe on Pinterest, which brought me to onegoodthingbyjillee.com. I began following her blog after seeing all the neat stuff she posts. She's got all kinds of DIY household products in addition to food recipes. My Downy ran out the some other day so on Saturday, when I had a couple of loads of wash to do, I literally threw together the DIY softener. I didn't take photos as I went along because I was more concerned with getting the wash done. lol I took the photo above a few minutes ago just so I can show which which indeed looks like real softener. My homemade softener is a pretty shade of lavender, even though on my monitor which looks light blue.

Anyway, the recipe is so simple I already have which memorized.
6 cups of water
3 cups of white distilled vinegar
2 cups of hair conditioner - Suave is cheap in addition to which comes in a bunch of different scents to choose by. I bought the smaller bottle (I think which's about 10 oz) in addition to dumped the whole thing in.

I chose lavender/lilac conditioner. Like I said above, I prefer unscented laundry products however since I had to pick a scent, lavender seemed pretty nice. Isn't lavender in addition to lilac supposed to have all those calming effects in addition to stuff? Maybe doing the laundry will give me a dose of aromatherapy. Who knows.

So back to my softener. I poured which all into a giant Tupperware bowl - make sure the bowl is big enough to hold all which liquid - in addition to stirred which easy which has a whisk (the original instructions say shaking will cause which to foam). The conditioner was pretty globby however the whisk smoothed everything out in about several minutes. which ended up the consistency of regular fabric softener. After which was all mixed, I used a measuring cup to pour which into my empty Downy bottle. which makes about 88 oz. of softener in addition to my total cost was less than $1.50!

I've done a few washes with which so far. I line dry most of my laundry outside right now while the weather is nice. The lavender scent is very subtle - great for someone who doesn't care for scented softener - in addition to the clothes feel the same as they do with Downy. I'm going to give the entire bottle of DIY lavender scented softener a try. If which works out, fantastic. If not, I'm only out about $1.50. I can live with which.

You can find the original recipe in addition to blog post here: Rebecca's Rosemary Mint Fabric Softener

DIY Fabric Softener for only $1.50!

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