Friday 13 January 2017

fresh scrapbooking projects

I'm stranded at home today while we're down a vehicle. I let my husband take mine to work while his gets repaired. His fresh vehicle (of which we just got in November) did a little slippin in addition to slidin within the snow yesterday. We haven't gotten a written estimate on the damage yet however at the moment, the ballpark figure is at least three grand (ouch - thank goodness for insurance). We're going to be inconvenienced for a little while longer while of which gets put back together. So here I sit alone within the house, just me in addition to my two cats. of which's been a wonderfully quiet day. :)

My daughter in addition to I went to our monthly crop at the LSS last Saturday. I was a slacker when of which came to packing so I didn't have a whole lot to work on. I did get a few projects done though. of which was just enough to keep me busy for the a few hours we were there. 

I made the page above using some old school techniques. This kind of was so simple to do! I used a doodling template for the swirls. I just outlined of which all in pencil, then took my black Zig marker in addition to colored away. I used  paper punches for the daisies in addition to stars in addition to added silver Stickles to the daisies. The title was done with an old school alphabet template - remember those? We used to outline our letters, then cut them out by hand with scissors. I took the easy way out in addition to, just like the swirls, I outlined with pencil in addition to colored of which all in with my black pen. I'm guessing This kind of took me about an hour start to finish. The best part was I was able to sit in addition to chat in addition to not definitely put a whole lot of thought into of which. I just doodled away. :)

house card

This kind of card is a variation of the one in my banner. I made of which to look like my house. My house doesn't have a blue door however maybe someday of which will. ;-) I'm going to attach This kind of card to a piece of cardstock (haven't decided the coloring yet) in addition to frame of which as a wall hanging. I tried to find a "Home Sweet Home" stamp to use below the house on the wall hanging however I can't find exactly what I need. Having one custom made is way beyond my budget. If I use a light colored cardstock for the background I'll do of which with my printer. 

Thanks for looking!

fresh scrapbooking projects

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